The working of an ICD involves several steps:
Receipt of Containers: Containers arriving from ports or other locations are received at the ICD.
Documentation and Customs Clearance: Necessary documentation for the cargo is processed, and customs clearance procedures are carried out at the ICD.
Container Handling: Containers are unloaded from trucks or trains, stacked, and stored within the depot using specialized equipment like cranes and forklifts.
Storage and Services: The ICD provides storage services for containers, often offering facilities like maintenance, repair, and repositioning of containers.
Dispatch: Once the cargo is ready for transportation, containers are loaded onto trucks or trains for further inland transport to their final destinations.
Security and Monitoring: Security measures are in place to ensure the safety of the cargo within the depot. Surveillance systems might be employed to monitor activities.
Administrative Functions: ICDs also handle administrative tasks related to cargo movement, such as billing, tracking, and managing inventory.
ICDs play a crucial role in the logistics chain by providing connectivity between seaports and inland locations, helping in the efficient movement of goods across different modes of transportation. They streamline the process, reduce congestion at ports, and facilitate smoother cargo movement inland.
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