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What is APEDA? | Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority

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APEDA stands for the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority. It is an autonomous organization established by the Government of India under the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority Act of 1985. APEDA’s primary role is to promote and develop the export of agricultural and processed food products from India.
Here are some of the key functions and objectives of APEDA:
Promotion of Export: APEDA works to promote the export of agricultural and processed food products from India by providing various support services to exporters, including market research, trade fairs, and promotional activities.
Quality Standards: APEDA sets and maintains quality standards for agricultural and processed food products to ensure that they meet international quality and safety requirements. This helps Indian exporters access global markets.
Market Development: APEDA identifies potential markets for Indian agricultural and food products and takes steps to penetrate these markets by organizing trade missions, participating in international trade fairs, and conducting promotional campaigns.
Capacity Building: APEDA conducts training programs and workshops to enhance the skills and knowledge of farmers, processors, and exporters in the agriculture and food processing sector.
Registration and Certification: APEDA registers exporters and provides them with certification for complying with quality and hygiene standards. This certification is often required for accessing certain international markets.
Research and Development: APEDA supports research and development activities related to the production and processing of agricultural and food products to improve their quality and competitiveness in the global market.
Information Dissemination: The authority disseminates information related to export policies, market trends, and regulatory changes to stakeholders in the agriculture and food processing sector.
In summary, APEDA plays a crucial role in boosting India’s agricultural and processed food exports by providing support and guidance to exporters and ensuring that the products meet international standards and requirements.
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